Welcome to Annapurneshwari English Medium School, Pattankudi


Annapurneshwari English Medium School, Pattankudi

A school is defined more by its students and teachings than by its buildings and teachers. Annapurneshwari School, Pattankudi established in 2016 has made history time and again with its cutting-edge technology in education, tempered with the humanitarian mother’s care for all children.

Why Us?

Expert Faculty

Dedicated & Competitive Team of Faculty

Healthy Atmosphere

Healthy, Pleasant & Congineal Atmosphere

Specious Classrooms

with standard furniture

Well Equipped Labs

Physics / Chemistry / Biology / Math / Computer Labs

Career Guidance

Guidance & Counseling for students and parents

Beautiful campus

Lush green, Pollution free campus

Affordable fee structure

Suits everyone

Talent Hunt Programme

For students, Talent Hunt Programme

Happiness Curriculum

For students involvement in learning we maintain Happiness Curriculum

Creative Programmes

For students / teachers and parents